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Warnken, LLC Attorneys at Law, Attorneys & Lawyers, Pikesville, MD

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February 2025 – Last month’s Results: Warnken, LLC Recovered $1,957,993.95 for 44 Injured Clients

Warnken, LLC once again recovered almost two million dollars for our injured clients last month. Forty-four cases concluded, either permanently, or, in the case of some workers’ comp cases, for now. Three cases were six figure cases in the month. None were seven figures. The six figure cases absolutely had six figure injuries – not something you’d want no matter how much money you were going to receive. When our clients are seriously injured, none of them would trade the injuries for the money if they could do it again.  It’s not that we are not great lawyers – we are.  It’s that serious injury cases are never “worth it.”

Hopefully the below are helpful in getting a partial answer to the question: what personal injury cases worth?  Please remember, when considering your personal injury, workers’ compensation, or car crash case – no two matters are ever the same and our successes in the past don’t guarantee success in your case.

We do not promise specific results or specific numbers in any given case – no honest lawyer should. We promise our best efforts. Also, you don’t pay our fee or expenses, unless you win.

  • Body Part(s):
  • Injury: C6-C7 herniations, rotator cuff tear, L3-L4, L4-L5, and L5-S1 herniations
  • Amount: $645,741
  • Claimant was working as a truck driver when while bending over to use equipment, he fell down a hill., injuring his head, neck, shoulder, back, and shoulder. Treatment consisted of multiple surgeries, multiple injections, PT and medication


  • Body Part(s): Knee
  • Injury: Subchondral insufficiency fracture at the medial tibial plateau, complex tear of the posterior horn of the medial and lateral meniscus
  • Amount: $110,718
  • Worker slipped and fell from trailer and injured the shoulder and knee. Worker underwent a medial meniscectomy and later a total knee replacement. Client returned to work with restrictions to the same job with a different employer.
  • Body Part(s): Neck
  • Injury: Sprain
  • Amount: $10,000
  • Struck in a parking lot by another vehicle backing out
  • Body Part(s): Knee
  • Injury: Complex meniscus tear
  • Amount: $60,000
  • T-boned by another vehicle that failed to yield to her right of way
  • Body Part(s): Head
  • Injury: Migraine
  • Amount: $50,000
  • Struck while parked on the shoulder of an interstate by a motorist who fell asleep at the wheel
  • Body Part(s): Back
  • Injury: Disc protrusion
  • Amount: $50,000
  • Middle vehicle in 5 car rear-end chain collision
  • Body Part(s): Neck
  • Injury: Cervicalgia
  • Amount: $15,000
  • Rear-ended while stopped at a red light
  • Body Part(s): Back
  • Injury: Disc displacement
  • Amount: $30,000
  • Passenger on a public bus struck by another vehicle making an improper right turn
  • Body Part(s): Neck
  • Injury: Cervicalgia
  • Amount: $14,000
  • Rear-ended while parked
  • Body Part(s): Neck
  • Injury: Radiculopathy
  • Amount: $30,000
  • Rear-ended by a drunk driver
  • Body Part(s): Neck
  • Injury: Sprain
  • Amount: $27,500
  • Struck by an uninsured motorist who made a left turn in front of her, taking her right of way
  • Body Part(s): Head
  • Injury: Post-traumatic headaches
  • Amount: $32,500
  • Front vehicle in a 3 car rear-end chain
  • Body Part(s): Neck
  • Injury: Cervicalgia
  • Amount: $10,000
  • Rear-ended while stopped at a red light
  • Body Part(s): Back
  • Injury: Fracture
  • Amount: $30,000
  • Struck head on by an uninsured motorist
  • Body Part(s): Back
  • Injury: Aggravation of preexisting spine injury
  • Amount: $7,320
  • Worker aggravated back in a motor vehicle collision. Worker underwent conservative care and returned to work in the same position.
  • Body Part(s): Wrist
  • Injury: Ulnar neuropathy at the ECU insertion
  • Amount: $7,638
  • Claimant sustained injury pulling a stuck lever. After diagnosis, was provided a Kenalog injection and then underwent therapy. Worker returned to work in the same employment.
  • Body Part(s): Shoulder
  • Injury: Rotator cuff tear
  • Amount: $44,600
  • Worker sustained injury when stopping a patient from falling. Patient fell on worker, causing neck and shoulder injuries. For the shoulder, worker was diagnosed with a torn rotator cuff and underwent a surgical repair, glenohumeral debridement, subacromial decompression, and distal clavicle excision. For the neck, worker was diagnosed with a disc herniation and underwent a cervical injection. Worker returned to work with a different employer.
  • Body Part(s): Knee
  • Injury: Bucket-handle tear of the lateral meniscus
  • Amount: $45,000
  • Two injuries right after each other with the same employer. Worker injured the knee while connecting drainage pipes. Worker sustained torn meniscus and underwent a surgical repair. After post-operative rehab, worker returned to work with the same employer.
  • Body Part(s): Neck
  • Injury: Sprain/Strains
  • Amount: $13,500
  • Client injured the neck and back due to a sudden fall of an elevator. Conservative care and client returned to work in the same position.
  • Injury: clavicle tx, partial thickness tear of supraspinatus
  • Amount: $11,750
  • Claimant was working as courier when he slipped and fell on uneven pavement. Treatment consisted of PT and medication.
  • Injury: closed fx of ankle and rib
  • Amount: $47,970
  • Claimamt was working as delivery driver when he was in MVC. Treatment consisted of surgery, PT, and medication.
  • Injury: wrist sprain
  • Amount: $35,100
  • Claimant was working as customer service rep whrn she injuered her wrist while lifting and pulling heavy bags. Treatment consisted of surgery, PT, injection and medication.
  • Injury: trimalleolar ankle fx
  • Amount: $40,500
  • Claimant was working as delivery assoc. when she slipped and fell, injuring her ankle. Treatment consisted of multiple surgeries, PT, WH, injection and medication.
  • Injury: ECU tenosynovitis and subluxation of radiocarpal volar ganglip cyst
  • Amount: $50,000
  • Claimant was working as surgical tech when she was kicked by a patient, injuring her wrist, hand, and arm. Treatment consisted of OT, surgery and medication.
  • Body Part(s):
  • Injury: mild DDD at L4-L5, disc protrusion at C3-C4, C5-C6, C4-C5, biceps tendinosis, interstitial split tears
  • Amount: Confidential
  • Claimant was working as BOA when a car backed into her, injuiring her arm thigh, back, and shoulders. Treatment consisted of PT and medication.
  • Injury: DIP joint area bite
  • Amount: Confidential
  • Claimant was working as crew member when she was assaulted and bitten by coworker. Treatment consisted of medication.
  • Body Part(s): Knee
  • Injury: Status post knee replacement
  • Amount: $33,608
  • Claimant fell into a manhole while working causing injury to the knee. Claimant had total knee replacement surgery.
  • Body Part(s): Foot
  • Injury: Fracture
  • Amount: $4,288
  • Claimant reopened claim for additional medical care. Claimant attended physical therapy.
  • Injury: Knee Sprain
  • Amount: $3,660
  • Claimant slipped and fell at work. Claimant had therapy.
  • Body Part(s): Back
  • Injury: Herniated discs
  • Amount: $160,000
  • Claimant sustained injury after tripping at work. Claimant had multiple back surgeries and injections over the course of the claim. Claimant went through vocational rehabilitation that included retraining.
  • Body Part(s): Neck
  • Injury: Strain
  • Amount: $30,000
  • Claimant was injured while stretching before he started his shift. He had therapy. Treatment was denied by the Commission and the case settled on appeal.
  • Body Part(s): Shoulder
  • Injury: Strain
  • Amount: $3,660
  • Claimant was involved in a motor vehicle crash while working. Claimant was seen for therapy.
  • Body Part(s): Back
  • Injury: Strain
  • Amount: $11,000
  • Claimant reopened the claim for additional treatment, which included therapy. Claimant appealed the worsening of condition award and settled on appeal.
  • Body Part(s): Knee
  • Injury: Strain
  • Amount: $8,748
  • Claimant injured the shoulder while lifting heavy objects at work. Claimant had an injection into the shoulder.
  • Body Part(s): Back
  • Injury: Strain
  • Amount: $5,440
  • Claimant sustained injury after lifing a heavy object at work. Claimant had over 10 injections to the mid and lower back.
  • Body Part(s): Right Shoulder
  • Injury: Tendinitis and Bursitis
  • Amount: $18,500
  • Claimant reopened claim for additional medical care, which included therapy.
  • Body Part(s): Shoulder
  • Injury: Strain
  • Amount: $24,300
  • Claimant was shooting the shotgun during firearms training and injured the shoulder. Claimant had therapy and was able to continue with employment throughout treatment.
  • Body Part(s): Shoulder
  • Injury: rotator cuff tear
  • Amount: $80,750
  • Claimant was winding a hose on a reel, when clothing became caught and struck the shoulder. Claimant had surgery. Claimant resolved the case with the employer/insurer and received additional compensation from the Subsequent Injury Fund.
  • Body Part(s): Back
  • Injury: strain
  • Amount: $17,000
  • Confidential
  • Body Part(s): Head
  • Injury: Concussion
  • Amount: $6,100
  • Claimant was struck in the head by a heavy object at work. Claimant had vestibular therapy.
  • Body Part(s): Ears
  • Injury: Hearing Loss
  • Amount: $3,645
  • Due to noise exposures at work, Claimant developed hearing loss.
  • Body Part(s): Back
  • Injury: Strain
  • Amount: $14,000
  • Claimant was moving a heavy object at work and felt pain in the back. Claimant had therapy and returned to pre-injury employment.
  • Body Part(s): Back
  • Injury: Strain
  • Amount: $8,813
  • Claimant was involved in a motor vehicle crash while working. Claimant had therapy and was able to continue working while seeking treatment.
  • Body Part(s): Knee
  • Injury: Revision knee replacement
  • Amount: $53,872
  • Claimant reopened the claim for additional treatment, which included a revision total knee replacement surgery.

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Warnken, LLC Attorneys At Law

Warnken, LLC started more than 20 years ago.  The firm’s founder, Byron L. Warnken, Esq., has been an attorney for more than 40 years.  He is also a full-time law professor at the University of Baltimore School of Law.  In the early 1990’s, Warnken, LLC consisted of Byron L. Warnken and his wife Bonnie L. Warnken, who handled mostly medical malpractice and personal injury cases.  In 1997, the firm began to expand, with more lawyers being hired to handle the work associated with representing the Maryland Troopers Association.  Since then, the MTA has been a focus for Warnken, LLC.  Warnken, LLC also has a reputation throughout the State for success in personal injury and workers’ compensation cases.

Personal Injury Attorneys

Voted MD’s Best Personal Injury Law Firm 2021. More than 3000 litigation matters in more than 25 years of practice.

Warnken, LLC handles personal injury cases and workers’ compensation cases.  We also handle medical malpractice, birth injuries, truck accidents, negligence, wrongful death, catastrophic personal injury, and other injuries or disputes.

Workers’ Compensation Lawyers

Workers’ compensation is by far the fastest growing practice area at Warnken, LLC.  A decade ago, Warnken, LLC had less than 20 comp files at any given time a few years ago.  Today there are more than 500.  Some of the best workers’ compensation lawyers in Baltimore practice law at Warnken, LLC

Our comp practice grew from serving law enforcement.  Being one of the most dangerous jobs, police officers and other public safety employees often need counsel for workplace injuries.  In order to serve our existing clients, we gained the expertise.

Law Enforcement

Since 1997, Warnken, LLC has been general counsel to the Maryland Troopers Association.  We handle administrative discipline, trial boards, disability retirement, grievances, and generally anything else active or retired law enforcement personnel face.  We take great pride in the work.

Straight Talk from a Baltimore Lawyer: What You Need to Know about Fake ID s

The fake ID industry is booming. With the help of sites like idgod and King Forge, it has never been easier to get a fake ID that looks real without breaking the bank. But there are consequences for using fake IDs in Maryland - namely fines, jail time and other penalties which can lead to an arrest record. So what do lawyers say about fake IDs? Heres some straight talk from Baltimore criminal defense attorney, Chris Morolake: "If youre caught with one or more fake IDs, you will be charged criminally."